FAQ - Häufige gestellte Fragen

How does the Junior-GBM receive financial support from the GBM for their projects?

The annual budget of each local group is 300 € and can be used for membership promotion (e.g. flyers, posters) and for scientific events. If you want to use funds from the annual budget, please contact the GBM office in advance (Ivana Jankovic-Bach (jb@gbm-online.de) or Anke Lischeid (lischeid@gbm-online.de)) and inform them about what exactly is planned, how many participants you expect and what expenses you want to incur. All expenses have to be approved by the office in advance. You are also welcome to call us at 069/660567-0.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 13.07.2023 von Tino Apel.
